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Air Tractor 802A
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For high profit production

Air Tractor 802A

The AT-802A is the world's largest single-engine agricultural aircraft, and its popularity is legendary in high production agriculture.

Air Tractor



P&W PT6A-65AG 1295 SHP
Hartzell HC-B5MP-3F/M11276NS
Maximum Takeoff Weight:
16,000 lbs (7.257 kg)
Maximum Landing Weight:
16,000 lbs (7.257 kg)
Empty Weight with Agricultural Equipment:
6,751 lbs (3.062 kg)
Useful load:
9,249 lbs (4.195 kg)
Hopper Capacity:
800 US gal (3.028 L)
254 US gal (961 L)
59.2 ft (18,04 m)
Wing Area:
401 sq ft (37,29 m²)
Main Landing Gear:
Tail Wheel:
17.5 x 6.25-6


Takeoff Distance:
2,000 ft a 16,000 lbs (7.257 kg)
Cruise Speed 8,000 ft. (2,438 m):
191 mph (166 kts)
Climb rate:
780 fpm a 16,000 lbs (7.257 kg)
Stall Setup Landing Standard:
63 mph (54 kts)
Range, cruise 8,000 ft.(2,438m):
610 mi (982 km)
Stall without flap:
107 mph (92 kts) at 16,000 lbs (7.257 kg)
Working Speed (Typical):
130-160 mph (113-139 kts)
Stall with full flap:
91 mph (79 kts) a 16,000 lbs (7.257 kg)

Contact our Specialist

Ruddigger Alves da Silva

+55 077 99961-4422

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